An International Conference on
Industrial Upgrading and Sustainable Economic Growth in China
12-13 December, 2013 (Thursday and Friday)
Guangzhou, China
Sponsored by
Chinese Economics Society of Australia (CESA)
School of Economics, Jinan University
On 12-13th December, 2013, The Chinese Economics Society of Australia (CESA) and Jinan University held a joint conference in Guangzhou, China. The focus of the conference was on industrial upgrading and sustainable economic growth in China.
Conference program: CESA-JNU-Conference_Program
- Xunpeng SHI, Sizhong SUN, Oil price shocks, market distortion and output growth: Theory and evidence from China;
- Anping CHEN, Nicolaas GROENEWOLD,The Effects of Macroeconomic Shocks on Inter-Provincial GDP Disparities in China: Estimates from a Restricted VAR Model;
- Tsun Se CHEONG, Yanrui WU, The Impacts of Structural Transformation and Industrial Upgrading on Regional Inequality in China;